Author Archives

APIN Presentation at TNA 9.20.16

Kathryn Tart presented APIN to the central region of Texas Nurses Association’s meeting on 9.20.16. To view the presentation, click here.

West Texas Regional Team Future of Nursing Symposium Recap

The APIN team was excited to present at the West Texas Regional Team
Future of Nursing Symposium on September 18, 2015. This event was a large success and boasted over

Midwestern State University: First to Adopt Concept-Based Curriculum!

In Texas, the Academic Progression in Nursing (APIN) organization is committed to increasing the proportion of nurses with a BSN to provide a highly educated nursing workforce ( APIN solicited

New: Joint Position Statement on Academic Progression to Meet the Needs of the Registered Nurse, the Health Care Consumer, and the U.S. Health Care System

New Position Statement Released from the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing and American Nurses Association.
All nurses must have access to seamless academic progression through high-quality,
accredited nursing education programs

North Texas APIN Summit Recap

On June 12, Tarrant County College graciously hosted the North Texas Team/APIN II Summit in Fort Worth. This event was a great success. Key topics included a legislative update by

East Texas Summit in Tyler hosted more than 200 students!

In late April the East Texas Regional TEXAS TEAM held a Summit in Tyler, Texas. During the summit, over 200 students and nurse leaders heard more information about coalition efforts

Successful South Texas Region APIN II Meeting!

The APIN II team and Texas Team South Region hosted a very successful event in Corpus Christi in February. Nurse leaders, nursing faculty and practice partners came together to hear